
This story is set on the London Underground and takes liberties with the layout. I claim artistic licence.

Yeah, another from my warped imagination, and all characters are over the age of eighteen.


I looked at my watch and realised I was going to be late, that last set had gone on far longer than either of us usually played. Either I was having an off day or Harriet was getting better. Whatever, I no longer had the time for a shower and grabbing my sportsbag headed straight for the tube. I knew it would be crowded, and on a summers day it would be hotter than hell, and smell just as evil.

The platform itself was busy but a train was due in 3 minutes. I looked around. The usual mix of travel-worn office commuters, London day trippers, and holiday makers. And a few youngsters enjoying the freedom of summer holidays.

One young couple caught my eye and held it. They were both attractive. He, tall and tanned with wavy brown hair and a handsome face. She was almost as tall, blonde and very cute. I guess they were around 18. They bore that flush of new love; no one else existed. Heads together they spoke in low voices, by their reflected laughter it was obvious they were teasing each other.

The tube pulled in and I boarded, looking around as I did. No seats left and a mixture of ages and nationalities strap hanging. I was pushed further in and moved towards the back of the carriage where a distinguished well-dressed older man stood, looking a little out of place. I glanced down at my skimpy tennis whites and giggled to myself, I guess he was no more out of place than I was.

Feeling more comfortable nearer a man more my own age and class, I continued towards him as the carriage continued to fill. I looked up at him in time to catch his eyes travel my length and find my face. His eyes heated as he smiled and nodded. I grinned my usual open smile in return and turned in front of him to grasp a strap. I had quite a distance to travel and hopefully some of the passengers would disgorge before I melted in the heat. The young couple had also entered behind me and were now in front of my eyes. He held a strap, she held him. They were dressed in the uniform of their age; he in low slung jeans sitting on his hips – no underwear showing thank goodness! She wore a skimpy sundress that was cute and sexy.

As I watched, he leaned in to whisper something in her ear. She tilted up to hear and his free hand caressed her side. I watched as her nipples – unfettered – sprung to youthful attention, and she shuffled her feet. I knew she would be pressing her thighs vip escort together to try to combat the tickle sent to her core from her aroused buds.

I knew, because I remembered the feeling. I knew because my own nipples were beginning to stiffen. I knew because I felt my own core begin to moisten. I heard her gasp and playfully slap his chest, but even as she did, she moved her body, moulding it into him, a hand carelessly, and seemingly accidently caressing his length which twitched in appreciation. His eyes opened in surprise as his hand slid up to cup and caress her breast. I was so focussed on what I was seeing and the mirrored feelings of long forgotten lust that I was experiencing, that I at first thought the hand sliding up my own waist to cup my own breast was my imagination.

“It is beautiful n’est pas? This young love?” A honeyed accented whisper caressed my ear.

“Oh, yes, beautiful. And erotic.” Lord where did that come from? I was being subtly groped by a stranger as I blatantly enjoyed the show being played out in front of me. I ought to be embarrassed, ashamed and scared. Instead, more moisture was pooling and I wanted this man’s hand to continue its exploration. I gently eased my legs further apart to balance my stance better, and moved back the inch or so necessary to encounter his hardness. A second hand found my waist and caressed my hips, I wiggled back into him. If there had been any doubt before about my contact, there was none now.

“So ma cherie, you enjoy to exhibit as well as to watch?” I heard the contented smile in his voice.

“Ah, if you did but know. It has been years since I felt such intimacy. I fear I am just allowing myself to get carried away by my hormones.”

“But you are beautiful!” His quiet voice was indignant as his hands continued their wandering caresses, one had by now found a nipple and was tweaking it; the other was under my short pleated tennis skirt, yet still on my outer thigh.

“It is a sin for one such as you to be neglected for so long! Perhaps your husband needs to be reminded of your passion.”

The boys hand was under his girl’s skirt now and sliding around her ass, pulling her into him. It looked like he was managing to get a finger into her underwear from the indrawn breath and hooded eyes they shared.

My hand had surreptitiously moved behind me and was smoothly, repetitiously measuring my gentleman friend’s length. He hummed his appreciation in my ear.

“My husband died several years ago. There has been no one since.”

“That is a crying shame ma petite, you were made to gecelik escort be loved, admired…” He nipped my ear and his voice dropped an octave. “…Fucked.” I gulped at the passion in his voice as his hand moved around under the front of my skirt, pulling me closer to his firm body and allowing his fingers to roam across my mound, lowering to press cotton against my moist centre.

Across from us, the girl was easing her boyfriend’s zip down to grasp his firm length. As if they both finally became aware of their circumstances they both looked up, catching my stare and possibly that of my mysterious paramour. I smiled and looked down at myself, their eyes followed and widened. Looking back up, I winked. My hand finally freed my friend’s appendage and was now massaging his balls. He gasped and pushed his hips into my back, causing a smirk of recognition on the face of the young man. He whispered to his girl, who hid her face a moment before coyly looking up and assessing us.

“She doesn’t know whether to be fascinated, disgusted or turned on by us, ma cherie.” His fingers worked my clit a moment before returning to fuck my sodden pussy. Another quiet gasp brought both our heads up. Because of our positioning at the end of the carriage, although others may have guessed at what was happening, only the four of us could perfectly see what each couple was doing.

Now, we more blatantly watched each other as we mirrored moves. I could see the young studs cock as his girl brought it out for some exercise. It was well proportioned and beautiful and had a small glistening pearl at its tip. The girl touched it, and his cock twitched. She then brought her finger to her lips and erotically sucked the dew from it.

“Merde, but she is a little witch.” A shudder behind me and his prick flexed in my hand.

“She reminds me of me at her age.” I smiled, “I once gave my husband a blow job on the top deck of a busy double decker bus. I would not have been much older than she is now.”

“Ah, ma cherie, you are indeed a temptress. Not for a long time has my cock stood so firm or have I felt I could fuck to la petite mort. My dear, I want to be inside you.” It was my turn to shudder. his fingers of one hand were still fucking my pussy, the other hand was teasing my clit. Without thought, I tilted my backside and stood on my tiptoes.

He eased my panties down my legs and I wriggled them down to my feet, stepping out of them and winking at the boy who looked at me with not a little lust. That boosted my ego I can tell you! His girl had taken up a rhythm with his dick eskort and I could see he brought his arm back around in front of his girl to easier enable access, lifting her skirt to show – hey no panties, just a smooth young clutch. I watch as he begins to slide his fingers into her. I was so turned on watching their young lust I begn to tremble with longing.

“Fuck me then. We don’t have long, but I am nearly there anyway.” I felt his length snuggle between my cheeks and nudge my moistness. His hand left my clit and I felt him guiding himself into me. He crouched a little under me, and pushed up, filling my lonely cunt. I reached for a strap, blessing my exercise routine as I hauled up, allowing him to lift my hips and angle himself. Neither of us would hold this position for long, but judging from the sudden tension in his cock I doubted we would need to. He began slamming into me and I swayed helpless. The couple across quickly cottoned on and moved to help. He held me up, and with a wicked grin, she began to tease my nipples. Letting go the strap with my hands free, I was able to reach out to his young cock and stroke it firmly, my other hand reached for her shaved perfection, I caught her eye and she smiled, I touch her clit and she began to spasm immediately. It is all I needed, I clenched like an iron gauntlet around my French fuck buddy, he surged into me pumping several times then groaning on my shoulder.

I fell forward and found myself nose to cock. I reached out with my tongue I just had to taste! The boy’s arms relaxed allowing me to drop lower and I took him in deep, swirling my tongue around and sucking my cheeks. I fondle his balls feeling them tighten. He gasped and moved to pull away but I refused to let go. I felt the pulse, and come began to pound into my mouth. I swallowed, suddenly aware that my french friend had been rubbing my clit and I was going to tighten on his shrinking cock once again.

The boy eased me back to standing as his girlfriend brushed my hair back from my flushed face. She kissed me gently on the lips.

“Thank you.” The train eased into the next station and they both turned away. Jumping out as the doors opened. My friend had withdrawn from me, though his head was on my shoulder and he was chuckling.

“Mon Dieu. I was told that the London Underground was an experience, but never, never…”

His chuckles infected me and I began to giggle. His hands were at my waist turning me around. He kissed me deeply, passionately. Regretfully, I came up for air and considered his handsome face.

“The next stop is mine.” I said, sadly.

“It could also be mine, cherie?” He quirked a brow.

I smiled. The train slowed and we left hand in hand, a pair of white sports panties all that were left to show of the passionate abandonment we shared with two young lovers.

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