Big Tits

Those who know Angie know that she is always looking for her next adventure, whether it be an encounter or some dream that she is chasing.

She seems to have some unfulfilled hunger that she can’t curb and just keeps looking.

She was not even really looking when she met Woody. But he somehow caught her eye and has really changed her world.

He is tall, handsome and has the most wonderful personality. The first time he kissed her was so electrifying that she just melted all over.

When he kissed her, he put his arms around her and slid his hands in the back pockets of her jeans and set her on fire.

They parted that night both hating to go but he had quiet a drive back home and it was late. They both knew this was only a beginning.

Throughout the following week they talked and sent texts back and forth.

They got pretty steamy at time.

He knows how much she likes adventure and fantasies. He finds this very nice.

He finds her very stimulating to say the least.

He is a lot like her but she doesn’t know this yet.

“Tell me, what is your deepest fantasy. The one that is hidden in the back of your mind that you don’t dare let out?” Woody asked her.

“Wow, I have to think about that. No one has really come out and asked me before” She replies.

“I will let you know.” She smiles to herself.

She thought on this for awhile. Not sure which fantasy was the most hidden but she has some.

Finally it came to light.

“One of my hidden fantasies is going to a restaurant wearing a dress with nothing underneath and you getting me off right there.” She tells him.

“Only I don’t know that I can really do that because I can’t keep a straight face and can not be quiet.” She told him with a nervous laugh.

“I would be nervous and worried that people would know.”She said.

She is really getting excited to say the least.

To think about him fingering her in a restaurant with people around.

Well that is way too much for her. She has to do it. That’s just her nature.

“I am going to make your fantasy come true.” Woody tells her.

“This Friday we will meet for lunch in Pensacola.”

“Our usual restaurant.” He tells her.

“There are a few rules here” He tells her.

“I want you to wear a loose fitting sundress that I will be able to flip up because after we leave that restaurant your ass will be mine, you are not the only one that will cum Friday.” He smiles at her.

“You have to keep your hands above the table, you can not touch me but you can hold my arm or or put your hand on my knee, but no touching me.” He tells her.

“Oh and one more thing, you have to carry on a conversation with me as if I am not doing anything underneath the table.” He gives her a wink.

“Think you can do that?”He smiles a shit eating grin.

“Oh my gosh Woody,I am not sure I can do that.” Angie replies.

“You have got to be kidding me. That’s not fair. I honestly don’t think I can do that. I am not one that can behave. I am not quiet when I get aroused.” She tells him.

She is getting very nervous but also very aroused. This is so exciting that she can hardly stand it. She has never had rules set before and finds this quiet the challenge.

At lunch time in their favorite Irish restaurant. She is thinking a lot about this.

Well she is just too excited and the thought of him touching her has aroused her so much. He hasn’t touched her yet and he is pretty excited about that too. His kiss had left her on fire and she just finds him so exciting.

This fantasy is going to be a good test for her because she has never had anyone tell her rules of the game before. She just doesn’t follow rules very well. She usually sets her own rules.

When Friday finally gets here she is just so excited and can hardly wait. She showers and sits down to fix her hair and put on her makeup. She is thinking of this man who has completely changed her thought process.

She smiles wondering if he will really do what he said and finger her and tease her out of her mind. She is so nervous just thinking of this. Her fantasy come true is getting the best of her. She is getting so wet thinking about it and so nervous that her stomach is fluttering.

On the drive there she is smiling and thinking to herself that he probably won’t do this. She is pretty aroused now with her mind racing with thoughts of Woody touching her and just a kiss is going to make her melt. He has been on her mind way too much.

She arrives at the restaurant and he is already there waiting. She gets out of her car and walks over.

It’s a hot day and she is already nervous. She walks over to him and they hug and kiss. They are happy to see each other. He can tell escort bayan topkapı she is nervous and smiles at her.

“Are you ready for this?” Woody smiles at her in a way that tells her yes he is going to do this.

“I am so nervous Woody ,I just don’t know if I can do this.” Angie tells him.

“There are a lot of people here. I just don’t think that I can keep a straight face and its not fair that I can not touch you.”She smiles nervously.

She is definitely wet, hot and ready though.

As she is walking she feels the wetness between her legs and thinks about him sliding his hand up her thigh and in between her lips and run his finger in little circles on her swollen clit. This thought has her so excited that she can hardly wait to be seated.

The waitress shows then to a booth and the first thing Angie notices is a mirror right in front of her. She is fascinated by that.

She slides in the booth and Woody sits down beside her. He smiles at her and asks if she is hungry. She knows he is toying with her, teasing her and making her blush. He likes making her blush. They order drinks and the waiter comes over to get their food order. He smiles at Angie and notices that she is blushing.

After the waiter leaves she smiles at Woody and he puts his hand on her thigh.

This set her on fire instantly. The tingle she felt was like a bolt of lightening. The look on her face was so apparent. Woody just smiles at her.

“Are you OK?” He looks at her and watches as her face is getting flushed.

“Yes.” she replies in a hoarse whisper.

His hand slides hand slowly up her thigh and watches her face get more ashen as he inches closer to her hidden hot spots. She looks in the mirror and he looks in the mirror at her and smiles as if he is not doing a thing.

His hand gently pushes her thighs apart and she trembles as he inches closer to her swollen clit that is just yearning for his touch.

She feels his finger reach her clit and the pleasure she feels is so wild that she nearly loses her composure.

Her face is showing passion written all over it and she spreads her legs as much as she can in that booth.

Woody just smiles at her.

He has a napkin laying over his hand so that no one is the wiser of where that hand is at or what it is doing. Oh he is getting a thrill out if this as he watches her try to keep a straight face.

“I have to go to the bathroom.”Angie tells him in a breathless whisper.

“Oh really!” He looks at her.

“Now why would you have to go now?”

“We just got started.” He laughs and slides out of the booth to let her out.

She walks through the crowd of people and to the bathroom. She is so flustered that she isn’t paying attention to the signs on the doors and just walks in and straight to a stall, locking the door and taking a deep breath.

She is so overwhelmed with desires that she can’t think straight. After she gets her thoughts straight she unlocks the door and walks out and is startled by what she sees.

In front of her on the wall are urinals and at first she is wondering why they would put them in the ladies room. Then it dawns on her and she has to laugh at herself.

She is in the Men’s bathroom. She opens the door and knows people are watching her but she just smiles and walks back to the table.

She sits down and Woody asked her why she is so red faced.

He takes the napkin and places it back on her lap and tells her “I am not done yet.”

His hand slides between her thighs again as she is telling him about the Mens room.

“Was anyone else in there?”He laughed.

“No, but I am still embarrassed, I know people saw me.” She replies.

The waiter walks over and he smiles at Woody as if he knows what is going on.

“I just wanted to tell you about our wine cellar in the back.”

“You would really like it.”

“It’s dark,romantic and not one under 12 is allowed.”

“Next time you two are here ask to be seated in there and you can watch the people who use the wrong bathroom.” He smiles again at Woody.

Woody’s finger slides in her wet pussy and back out slowly as he watches her face again.

He likes the way she gets so flushed and tries so hard to eat her food which tastes like cardboard in her mouth because her mouth is so dry from licking her lips.

He is teasing the hell out of her and enjoying every moment of it.

He slides his finger back to her swollen clit, rubbing in little circles just enough to get her stirred and then slides it back inside her. She takes a deep breath and grabs his arm.

“I ache right now and I need you so bad. I need to cum so bad I cant stand it. It hurts.” Angie whispers to him in a breathless whisper. She escort bayan ümraniye is so desperate now wanting to feel him inside her.

“Oh,you do?”He smiles at her again. Loving the fact that she is squirming all over the place.

He is fingering her with one hand and has the other one laying on the table for her to hold onto. She is trying hard not to dig her nails in his arm but is having a hard time. He doesn’t seem to notice though. He is busy driving her wild under the table.

He is enjoying bringing her to the start of an orgasm and then just stopping and watching her face.She is about to go nuts sitting there.

The waiter walks over and asks how everything is. Looking at Angie he smiles even bigger and she feels like he knows what is going on.That smile on his face was a big giveaway.

After he walks off she leans over and tells Woody that she thinks the waiter knows what is going on.

“Why do you think he knows?” Woody just smiles.

“Because of the way he kept smiling at us and he saw the napkin on my lap with your hand under it. I think he is pretty smart.” She said.

“So are you ready to go so that I can see what else is underneath that dress?” He smiles at her.

“Yes,Yes. I am so ready to go!” She almost screams. The ache inside her has built up so much that she feels like she will explode.

“OK lets go to Fort Pickens and see whats out there.” He tells her.

“Fort Pickens are you serious ,there will be people there as well.” Angie gives him a surprised look.

“Yes I am serious and you will enjoy this I promise you that.” He gives her another sly smile that amuses her.

He pays the bills and takes her hand. Her hand is so warm that he asked her why she is so hot.

“Are you OK?” He smiles at her.

“Yes I am fine, just a little warm from the weather is all.” She tells him.

They step outside and walk down the sidewalk. As they are walking her reaches down and rubs her ass knowing that she is like a stick of dynamite about to explode.

When they reach his truck,he opens the door and she gets in and waits for him.

He opens the door and slides in.

She is still fascinated with how tall he is. He is 6ft 4in and handsome to boot. Wow what has she found.

He looks over at her and tells her to come here and let him see what he has done to her.

She scoots over in the seat and wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him deeply.

He can feel the hunger in her kiss.

He raises her dress and slides his finger deep inside her and feels her swollen clit and kisses her hungrily.

Her clit is aching because it is so swollen from him teasing it and now he is doing it again.

His touch is so intense and sets her on fire deep inside.

She reaches over and rubs his hard dick as is immediately amazed at the hardness and size she feels.

Now she is curious but afraid because she knows she has trouble with big dicks.

She can tell by the throbbing hardness inside his shorts that she is in for a ride.

She continues rubbing it, teasing him just like he teased her.

“Lets go and get out of this parking lot.” He tells her.

She moves over to her side of the seat and puts on her seat belt.

They head out to Pensacola Beach and to Fort Pickens.

After they get through the gate and are driving along he slides his hand cross the seat and pulls her legs apart and looks at her pussy and licks his lips.

“Mmmmm, I want in that wet little pussy so bad.” Woody looks over at her as she moans.

He is still teasing her and by now she is so close to her orgasm that she begs him to get her off.

“Please baby make me me cum now damn I need it so bad. I am aching and it hurts.” She begs him.

He continues to finger her wet pussy and enjoys the passion that is filling the cab of his truck.

“Let me watch you get yourself off as I drive.” He tells her.

She doesn’t waste any time.

She lays her head in his lap and puts her finger on her swollen clit and starts rubbing it slow at first and feels the little tingles start. Her clit so swollen that it’s tenderness almost hurts.

She is moaning now and rubbing faster and faster as he is watching her.

She hears him moan and that makes her hotter.

She feels her orgasm getting so close now that she starts to rub even faster.

Her swollen clit begging her to bring it to that spasm it needs.

“Oh Baby I am fixing to cum.” She moans to him.

He is watching in complete amazement as she rubs her clit and moans and tells him a shaky voice that she is about to cum.

When the orgasm hits she just loses herself in spasms and Woody is instantly spellbound.Her body is jerking and she bayan escort just can’t control it. The relief she feels is so calming.

He touches her swollen clit now relieved a bit from the pressure of being teased like never before. She is so wet and juicy that he slides his finger in and hears the squishy noises that he is creating from her hot little hole of pleasure that is just oozing now.

He is amazed at the wetness he feels and smiles at her as he parks the truck.

They get out and start walking towards the fort.

As they near the front they walk to the left and down the sidewalk into a crumbled building.

They are looking around and see a room and walk over to see what it is in there. Its a maintenance room with junk in it.

They walk on to another room and are just looking around and Angie spots a small place between the walls and walks over and to her amazement finds a small hidden room in the back behind the wall.

She tells Woody to come see the room she found.

He walks over being careful not to hit his head since he is so tall.

He enters the room and is really amazed at how well it is hidden too.

It has a window in it that has bars on it and when you look out you can see cars over on a road in the distance.

There is a ledge there underneath the window and Angie leans over to look out and see what is out there.

When she does Woody is standing there behind her and she knows this. She makes sure to rub his hard bulge with her hot little ass when she bends over knowing that he is ready for her too.

He has been thinking of that wet little pussy since the restaurant and how ready it is for him to pound it.

She is so ready for him that she can hardly stand it by now.

She has been yearning for his big hard dick in her so bad since she reached that orgasm that she just cant take it much longer.

As she is bent over looking out he grabs her around the hips and pulls her around to him.

She unzips his pants anxious to get to that big dick.

She is so excited seeing its size right in front of her eyes. She takes it in her hand and guides it to her wet lips and slides it across her tongue and into her mouth. Letting it go deep and running her tongue all around it.

She loves the feel of its hardness and just wraps her lips around its head and feels it throbbing as she teases it a little with her tongue.

Woody puts his hands on both sides of her head and holds her hair and guides his throbbing cock in and out of her mouth and moans with pleasure as he watches her happily sucking it.

Oh he is enjoying it so much.

He suddenly pulls her up and gently but firmly picks her up and sits her on the ledge and pulls her ass towards him and he raises her dress up and see that wet pussy begging him to fuck it.

He guides his throbbing dick to her wet pussy and slides it in firmly knowing that she likes it hard and deep.

He pounds her deep and a bit rough because he also knows she likes that.

He gets faster and faster as she is reaching that spasmodic orgasm that is slowly rising to the surface and making her body go crazy.

She can feel his cock getting harder and more demanding as he is getting closer to his orgasm.

He pounds her harder and harder.

That pussy is so wet and feels so good to his throbbing cock. Its warm wet lips wrapped around his cock and hungrily squeezing it each time it slides in. Damn it feels good to him. The pleasure so much more than he expected.

He moans as he starts shooting cum inside her.

His intensity slowing as he fills her up.

He looks at her and she gives him a very satisfied look and smiles at him.

He smiles at her and helps her up.

Her legs are like jello as they shake while she is gaining her composure.

He kisses her deeply and they smile at each other.

Woody takes out his keys and starts to try to engrave in the concrete. It wont write.

Angie looks around and finds a rock laying nearby. She hands it to him.

He starts writing on the ledge.

Woody fucked Angie here.

She looks at him.

“Well we will remember this place and so will anyone else that reads this.” He smiles a big smile.

As they walk outside holding hands she looks to the right and there is a group of people walking their way. One more minute and they would have looked right in the window and saw Woody fucking Angie.

“What a close call.” She smiles at Woody.

“Oh well, maybe they will read about it in a story or something and know that it’s true.” He laughs.

They wander around the Fort for awhile looking around and finally its time to go.

They hate to leave but as usual time is not on their side.

They make the drive back to Pensacola and to her car.

She reaches over and gives him a passionate kiss and goes to her car.

She drives home with a smile on her face and him on her mind.

He has her on his mind as well. Sweet dreams tonight he thinks to himself.


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